Kaitlyn’s Story
as told by her parents

Kaitlyn was a vibrant, joyful child who embraced life with enthusiasm and a genuine love for others. Her days were filled with school activities and sports, leaving a positive impact wherever she went. She attended Winkler Elementary School, where she was a lunch monitor, a patrol, and actively participated in a group sewing blankets for the Pregnancy Crisis Center. Kaitlyn also loved being part of the girls' club and various school sports teams, including soccer, badminton, and volleyball. Her love for music was evident in her piano playing and participation in the choir, and she excelled academically, making friends effortlessly.

One of Kaitlyn's greatest passions was swimming. She joined the Winkler Barracudas swim team at the tender age of six and continued to swim with them every year. Her love for the sport was so profound that even during her chemotherapy treatments in the summer of 2011, she demonstrated immense strength and determination by continuing to swim.

In September 2011, Kaitlyn entered grade 9 at Garden Valley Collegiate (GVC), excited to start high school. She quickly made new friends, joined the Amnesty Group, participated in the choir, and frequently visited the library to find new books to read. Her deep faith, nurtured by her involvement in the youth group at Emmanuel Mennonite Church, helped her face challenges with the belief that God was in control.

Kaitlyn's love for reading inspired her desire to make more books available to children in the hospital. This wish was realized through the establishment of Katie Cares, a charity that continues to honor her legacy. Kaitlyn's parents, who were devastated by her cancer diagnosis in October 2010, found strength through prayer and the support of family and friends. Kaitlyn's compassion shone through even during her hospital stays. She was deeply moved by a young child in the ICU who had been badly beaten and had no visitors. Kaitlyn asked her mother to buy a teddy bear from the gift shop for the child, believing every child deserved comfort during their hospital stay. This act of kindness marked the beginning of Katie Cares.

Kaitlyn devoted herself to her charity, creating a logo, a slogan—"SEE IT, BELIEVE IT, ACHIEVE IT"—and a mandate. She worked with the Winkler Community Foundation to ensure donations could be accepted and tax receipts issued. Kaitlyn's charity aims to help sick children cope with their illnesses by providing items to ease the long days of treatments and hospital visits. She designed bags to be given at Boundary Trails Hospital, each containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, brush, floss, lip balm, shampoo, body wash, deodorant, puzzle books, word searches, books, crayons, coloring books, markers, and, importantly, a teddy bear. These bags are age-appropriate, ensuring that every child feels cared for. Due to Covid the bags have been discontinued, but the Beanie Baby program is thriving and growing.

Tragically, Kaitlyn's courageous battle with cancer ended on May 20, 2012. However, her spirit lives on through Katie Cares. Her family continues to honor her memory by carrying on the work she started, ensuring her compassion and dedication to helping others endure. Kaitlyn's story is a testament to the profound impact one young girl can have on the world, inspiring kindness, and support for those in need.

See it…Believe it…Achieve it…

-Randy and Ruth Reimer